A complete web-based interface to manageyour SQL Azure servers and databases
myLittleTools has been founded by Elian Chrebor. myLittleTools has progressively grown to be recognized as a leading provider of web-based applications.
myLittleTools has a single goal: providing the best web-based tools in the SQL Server area.
More info about myLittleTools on www.mylittletools.net
myLittleTools is privately held and is based in Enghien-Les-Bains, France.
myLittleTools S.A.R.L. Capital:10 000 € R.C.S. PONTOISE 490 657 863 SIRET 490 657 863 00018 APE 722A
Our web-based applications are used by hundreds of companies and organizations all around the world.
If you once used a shared Windows Hosting service, then you probably used myLittleAdmin for SQL Server and myLittleBackup for SQL Server to manage your SQL Server database. These both products are dramatically used in the webhosting industry as a replacement of SSMS.
myLittleTools 47bis, rue du Général de Gaulle 95 880 Enghien-Les-Bains, France
Email: sales [at] mylittletools.net International: 33 +(0)1 39 64 12 18
Community Forums: http://forum.mylittleadmin.com Email: support [at] mylittletools.net
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